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Time to get growing.

One of the Chocolate Chix commitments is Self-Evolvement, which involves being your best self through continuous evaluation and growth. We support this commitment by offering our proprietary Self-Es.

Self-Es, self-evolvement sessions, are online mini-courses designed to help your friendships, femininity, and your faith—flourish. First and foremost, our sisterhood believes that “doing the work” of becoming a better friend naturally enables us to be better wives, mothers, and professionals, too. These sessions are available to members and non-members alike and cover a wide selection of topics relevant to Chocolate Chix and women worldwide.

Unlike the pre-membership versions, our retail Self-Es are developed by accomplished female experts and authors from all walks of life and include imagery, video, audio, and handouts to enhance your experience and growth.

Look for a series of Self-Es late 2016 and also ask for more info if you’re interested in becoming a contributing author.